Our Construction Projects

Our projects range from tenant improvements to grading, utilities along with some customized specialties 

Fort Barry Balloon Hanger Stabilization

The steel structure received new epoxy protective coating, new roofing, exterior siding and electrical.

Turf Replacement at Recce Point Club

Design-Build Project, removed existing sod field while protecting the existing running track and removed 8,000 cubic yards of existing soil and sod.

Welcome Center/Community Activity Center

Renovation of existing 20,000 SF facility to provide a more modern, open and inviting atmosphere. 

Individual Water & Wastewater Systems Construction

Installation of sewer lines, leach field chambers, septic tanks for individual residential water and wastewater systems at 66 sites

Water Leak Repair

The existing valve vault will be demolished in place and back filled to grade and compacted to support the installation of the new Water Pressure Regulating Valve (PRV) station.

Woodward Road Repair Sinkholes

Design and build Project; demolished existing headwall and k-rail. Excavated soil/sediment buildup to existing flow line

Ramona Community Water System

Construction and installation of a transmission line, distribution main, water service line, connections and water main accessories.

Storm Drain Replacement

Demolition to include remove asphalt (road), rip rap and portion of concrete swales, demo of sidewalks and curbs.

Las Pulgas Water Main Repair

Replace existing butterfly valve with geared gate valve and valve box; repair the leak in the watermain and replace concrete lining; excavate to remove piping and replace with C-900; Remove and replace existing gate valve

Space & Missile Systems Courtyard Repair

Design/Build – Remove and replace existing concrete sidewalks with interlocking concrete pavers

Re-Plum Valve Configuration at Bldg. 240162

Disassemble existing piping and manifolds to re-configure the system. Included new 12” gate valves and filters Removal and re-location of 5 existing Rotec butterfly valves and installation of 5 new Rotec butterfly valves

Radome Facility Antenna Construction

New structurally isolated pedestal for new 5.4 meter antenna and protective geodesic radome. Demolition and disposal of existing foundation

Boat Ramp Extension

Extend existing boat launch ramp by 20’ wide, 45’ long. Included demolition and mechanical dredging. On-shore confined disposal facility for the non-hazardous dredge material.

Storm Drain and Erosion Repair

Design Build Project Redesign storm drain alignment and elevations. Design rip-rap energy dissipator Clear and Grub approximately .50 acres

Valley Erosion Repair

Construct a minor diversion swale and berm approximately 2,500 long. Included grading for a 10’ side and 5’ tall slope and excavation of a diversion swale and placement of 18”-24” stone (rip rap) along flow side of berm.

Contrails Dining Facility Utilities Repair, Building 2490

Renovation of existing 15,000 SF dining facility/kitchen: Interior demolition and abatement; major upgrades to the mechanical (HVAC), electrical, plumbing, and more. 

Scorpius Rocket Display

Prepared site for the display of the Scorpius Rocket; Installed ADA accessible sidewalks for viewing of the display; Provided concrete pad for the display of the 5,500 pound rocket and more.

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Let’s Get Building!

Contact Us

116 W College St., Suite C, Fallbrook, CA 92028
